
Your generosity is crucial in helping us continue our mission to save and improve the lives of animals. Every little bit counts, and there are multiple ways you can contribute.

Donation Options:

Containers for Change

Recycle and make a difference! When you participate in Containers for Change, you can allocate your returns to go directly to our organisation by using the code C10602790. It’s an easy and eco-friendly way to support our mission. Click here for more information on Containers for Change.


Buy Me A Coffee

If you enjoy what we do and want to offer a small token of appreciation, you can easily 'Buy Me A Coffee.' This platform allows you to make a quick and simple contribution that helps us continue our work.


Direct Cash Deposit

For those who prefer traditional methods, you can make a direct cash deposit into our bank account.

Account Name: Village Tails Inc.
BSB: 633000
Account: 191448786
Reference: Please include your name or the name of the animal or campaign you are supporting. If you do not specify a campaign or animal, the donation will generally be allocated towards veterinary work.

PayID Now Available

Business Number: 76843931353 
Name: Village Tails Inc.


Receipt Information

For a receipt, please email with your name, address, and donation details and a receipt will be sent to you.

All donations over $2 are tax deductable.


Where Does Your Donation Go?

Village Tails Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation deeply reliant on the kindness and generosity of our community.

While we're working towards tax-deductible status for your contributions, please know that your one-time or recurring donations are invaluable to us. Every cent is put to judicious use, covering vital veterinary work, training, and rehabilitation for all our animals in care. This ensures they are in the best possible condition to find their forever homes.


Product Donations

While monetary donations are invaluable for sustaining our efforts, there are many other ways to contribute. We welcome donations of pet-related products to enhance the lives of our animals in care. Below are some items we frequently require:

- Quality Pet Food
- Flea and Worm Treatments
- Food and Water Bowls
- Toys for Cats and Dogs
- Leashes, Harnesses, and Collars
- Comfortable Bedding (including gently used blankets and towels)
- Cat Litter and Litter Trays

 If you have any pet supplies in reusable condition that you or your pet no longer need, we would be glad to put them to good use. Feel free to reach out to us via our contact form or drop us a message on Facebook.